To understand why we're collecting personal information in this form, view BC Ferries' Website Privacy Statement
When you select 'subscribe', you consent to receive emails from BC Ferries regarding the onBoard eNewsletter. This will be effective immediately and you can easily withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us using the contact details below, via the unsubscribe link in the emails or via your settings in your BC Ferries account. If you have questions or would like to unsubscribe via phone or mail, you can call 1-888-BC FERRY (1-888-223-3779) or write to British Columbia Ferry Services Inc., Suite 500 - 1321 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC V8W 0B7.
BC Ferries collects information about recipients of the onBoard newsletter, including their click and read activities. This information is collected under section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is used to understand customer interest in the newsletter, including particular promotions, news and contests. BC Ferries will use this information to tailor its communications with individual customers only if they have first consented.

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